Case Report of an Anthrax Presentation Relevant to Special Operations Medicine



Case Report of an Anthrax Presentation Relevant to Special Operations Medicine
Winkler S, Enzenauer RW, Karesh JW, Pasteur N, Eisnor DL, Painter RB, Calvano CJ 16(2). 9
Publication Type: Journal Article (Case Reports)

Special Operations Forces (SOF) medical personnel function worldwide in environments where endemic anthrax (caused by Bacillus anthracis infection) may present in one of three forms: cutaneous, pulmonary, or gastrointestinal. This report presents a rare periocular anthrax case from Haiti to emphasize the need for heightened diagnostic suspicion of unusual lesions likely to be encountered in SOF theaters.

Keywords: periocular anthrax; Bacillus anthracis; ophthalmology; diagnostics
PMID: 27450596

DOI: 10.55460/SRPB-TJ0N