Prolonged Field Care Working Group Fluid Therapy Recommendations



Prolonged Field Care Working Group Fluid Therapy Recommendations
Baker BL, Powell D, Riesberg JC, Keenan S 16(1). 112
Publication Type: Journal Article (Ongoing Series / Prolonged Field Care)

The Prolonged Field Care Working Group concurs that fresh whole blood (FWB) is the fluid of choice for patients in hemorrhagic shock, and the capability to transfuse FWB should be a basic skill set for Special Operations Forces (SOF) Medics. Prolonged field care (PFC) must also address resuscitative and maintenance fluid requirements in nonhemorrhagic conditions.

Keywords: prolonged field care; blood, fresh whole; shock, hemorrhagic; transfusion
PMID: 27045508

DOI: 10.55460/MKQL-04OU