The Operational Canine and K9 Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Initiative



The Operational Canine and K9 Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Initiative
Palmer LE, Maricle R, Brenner J 15(3). 32
Publication Type: Journal Article (Feature Articles)


Background: Approximately 20% to 25% of traumarelated, prehospital fatalities in humans are due to preventable deaths. Data are lacking, however, on the nature and the prevalence of operational canine (OC) prehospital deaths. It is plausible that OCs engaged in high-threat operations are also at risk for suffering some type of preventable death. Tactical Combat Casualty Care has significantly reduced human fatality rates on the battlefield. Standardized guidelines specifically for prehospital trauma care have not been developed for the OC caregiver. An initiation has been approved by the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care to form a K9-Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) working group to develop such guidelines. Significance: The intent of the K9-TECC initiative is to form best practice recommendations for the civilian high-risk OC caregiver. These recommendations are to focus on interventions that (1) eliminate the major causes of canine out-of-hospital preventable deaths, (2) are easily learned and applied by any civilian first responder, and (2) minimize resource consumption.

Keywords: canine; trauma; preventable death; Tactical Emergency Casualty Care; K9-TECC; guidelines
PMID: 26360351

DOI: 10.55460/RMVA-7381