A Call for Innovation: Reflective Practices and Clinical Curricula of US Army Special Operations Forces Medics
A Call for Innovation: Reflective Practices and Clinical Curricula of US Army Special Operations Forces Medics
Rocklein Kemplin K 14(4). 70
Publication Type: Journal Article
Background: Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics have written and published numerous practice reflections that intricately describe their practice environments, clinical dilemmas, and suggestions for teaching and practice. The lack of translation of SOF medics’ experiential evidence to their curriculum has created a gap in evidence-based curriculum development. This study analyzed SOF medics’ learning and practice patterns and compared it to the evidence in the interdisciplinary clinical literature. After framing the problem, the literature was reviewed to determine appropriate tools by which perceptions and attitudes toward reflection-centered curricula could be measured.
Methods: A recognizable practice reflection was extracted from the published SOF clinical literature and presented in writing to self-identified SOF medics and medic instructors via a descriptive crossover design, to ensure possible biases were mitigated. To measure SOF medics’ perceptions of reflection-based curricula, the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure survey instrument was used, as it has validated psychometric properties and is used worldwide.
Results: SOF medics’ averaged scores of perceptions of their medic education indicated positive but not completely statistically significant preferences toward reflection-based curricula over traditional curriculum.
Keywords: Special Operations; medics; reflective practice; curricula
PMID: 25399371