A Case Study of MEDCANGRO Relative to RAND Conceptual Framework*
A Case Study of MEDCANGRO Relative to RAND Conceptual Framework*
Scott A, Hogan R 15(2). 123
Publication Type: Journal Article (Ongoing Series / Operational Medicine in the Austere Environment)
The 2010 Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction 6000.16, Military Health Support for Stability Operations, established medical stability operations as a core military mission. National military leaders appreciated that to better manage risks for US military personnel operating in far forward locations, reduce cost and footprint requirements for operations, and aid partner nations with providing service to relevant populations in underserviced/undergoverned the US military would need to be employed strategically in efforts to build partner nation medical capacity. Medical Stability Operations has evolved into Global Health Engagement in the lexicon of planners but the goal is still the same. This article used a technical report authored by the RAND Corporation as the basis of a case study of a Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAF) Mission to the country of Niger to build a casualty evacuation capability. The case study evaluates the utility of a hypothetical framework developed by the RAND researchers relative to the actual events and outcomes of an actual mission. The principal finding is that the RAND technical report is of value to planners, Operators, and trainers as a systematic approach to successful building partner capacity in health (BPC-H) missions. The article also offers several examples of metrics that aid leadership in making better decisions as to when corrective actions might be required.
Keywords: building partner capacity in health (BPC-H); global health engagement (GHE); international health mission; medical stability operations (MSO)
PMID: 26125176