Damage Control Resuscitation For The Special Forces Medic: Simplifying And Improving Prolonged Trauma Care: Part One


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Damage Control Resuscitation For The Special Forces Medic: Simplifying And Improving Prolonged Trauma Care: Part One
Risk G, Hetzler MR 9(3). 14
Publication Type: Journal Article

Current operational theaters have developed to where medical evacuation and surgical assets are accessible in times comparable to the United States. While this has been an essential tool in achieving the best survivability on a battlefield in our history, the by-product of this experience is a recognized shortcoming in current protocols and capabilities of Special Forces medics for prolonged care. The purpose of this article is to provide a theory of care, identify training and support requirements, and to capitalize on current successful resuscitation theories in developing a more efficient and realistic capability under the worst conditions.

PMID: 19739472

DOI: 10.55460/LZUR-EIKS