Identification and Management of Bed Bug Infestations in Austere Environments
Identification and Management of Bed Bug Infestations in Austere Environments
Amodt ZT 13(4). 6
Publication Type: Journal Article
Military forces have missions that send them all over the globe. With the reemergence of bed bugs worldwide, the possibility of Servicemembers encountering them has increased. Special Operations Forces are often sent to locations that may not have integrated pest management support. Knowing how to identify and manage a bed bug infestation, with and without proper equipment and supplies, may become necessary in the very near future. It is also important that Servicemembers are aware of how bed bugs travel, to prevent their dispersal back to the United States and into their barracks and homes.
Keywords: bed bugs; bat bugs; infestations; austere environments; pest management
PMID: 24227555