Intubation of the Right Atrium During an Attempted Modified Surgical Airway in a Pig



Intubation of the Right Atrium During an Attempted Modified Surgical Airway in a Pig
Melanie J, Juergens A, McClure M, Spear D 17(2). 96
Publication Type: Journal Article (Feature Articles)

In modern medicine, the surgical cricothyrotomy is an airway procedure of last resort. In austere environments, however, its simplicity may make it a more feasible option than carrying a full complement of laryngoscopes. To create a Transportation Security Agency-compliant compact first-response bag, we attempted to establish a surgical cricothyrotomy in a pig, using trauma shears, basic medical scissors, a pocket bougie, and an endotracheal tube. Bougies can provide tactile feedback via the “tracheal ring sign” and “stop sign” to indicate positive tracheal placement during orotracheal intubation. We report on a previously unknown serious potential complication that questions the use of scissors to establish a surgical airway and the reliability of tactile bougie signs when translated into certain surgical airways.

Keywords: emergency cricothyrotomy; cannot intubate-cannot ventilate; prehospital airway management
PMID: 28599040

DOI: 10.55460/YUHE-AD1C