NATO SOF Transformation And The Development Of NATO SOF Medical Doctrine And Policy
NATO SOF Transformation And The Development Of NATO SOF Medical Doctrine And Policy
Wallace GR 9(3). 7
Publication Type: Journal Article
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Special Operations Forces (SOF) Coordination Center (NSCC) is a new NATO memorandum of understanding (MOU) organization that is effecting rapid advancement in NATO’s ability to efficiently utilize SOF at the strategic/operational level. The NSCC’s lines of development in communications information systems (CIS), education, training, and real life support to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) SOF and the development of pivotal documents to develop and mature NATO SOF doctrine and policy are all occurring at lightning speed. Within this process of establishing a SOF community in NATO, the author’s focus is the development of previously non-existent NATO SOF medical doctrine and policy. Many barriers to change lie ahead, but through unity of effort, we will ensure certainty of our actions.
PMID: 19739471