Prehospital Care of Canine Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
Prehospital Care of Canine Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
Palmer LE 18(1). 91
Publication Type: Journal Article (Ongoing Series / Canine Medicine)
The intent of the Operational K9 (OpK9) ongoing series is to provide the Special Operations Medical Association community with clinical concepts and scientific information on preventive and prehospital emergency care relevant to the OpK9. Often the only medical support immediately available for an injured or ill OpK9 in the field is their handler or the human Special Operations Combat Medic or civilian tactical medic attached to the team (e.g., Pararescueman, 18D, SWAT medic). The information is applicable to personnel operating within the US Special Operations Command as well as civilian Tactical Emergency Medical Services communities that may have the responsibility of supporting an OpK9.
Keywords: Operational K9s; gastic dilation and volvulus; bloat; gastric decompression; trocarization; dogs
PMID: 29533441