The Special Operations Rescuscitation Team: Robust Role Ii Medical Support For Today’s SOF Envrionment
The Special Operations Rescuscitation Team: Robust Role Ii Medical Support For Today’s SOF Envrionment
Riesberg JC 9(1). 27
Publication Type: Journal Article
Special Operation Forces (SOF) have historically relied upon conventional medical assets for Role II and higher medical support. Over the last five years, the need for SOF-specific medical teams and surgical support was identified and addressed. Several Special Operations based Role II assets are now available to support operations, each with unique personnel and capabilities. The Special Operations Resuscitation Teams (SORT) have been engaged in several joint deployments in the last year, demonstrating the mission readiness and lifesaving trauma support for which the teams were designed. The future of SOF Role II has many unique challenges, including personnel resourcing, training, and joint operational planning. OBJECTIVES Provide a historical perspective on the evolution of SOF-specific Role II medical support. Review current SOF-specific Role II capabilities and employment. Discuss unresolved issues related to SOF-specific Role II capabilities and employment.
PMID: 19813346