The Use of Different Types of Supraglottic Airway Devices by Medics on a Manikin with Night Vision Goggles: A Pilot Study
The Use of Different Types of Supraglottic Airway Devices by Medics on a Manikin with Night Vision Goggles: A Pilot Study
Janig C, Hummel T, Berres M, Willms A, Piepho T Ahead of Print.
Publication Type: Journal Article (Feature Articles)
Introduction: Under normal conditions, the use of a supraglottic airway device (SAD) is safe and effective. There are situations in military environments in which such devices must be used in the dark (e.g., to conceal the team’s position). The aim of our study was to evaluate the use of different SADs using night vision goggles (NVG) on a manikin.
Methods: A group of 53 medically trained soldiers (paramedics, emergency medical technicians [EMTs] and Combat First Responders Bravo) was given a brief demonstration of how to place three different types of SAD in a manikin’s airway. This was followed by randomized use in ambient light and then, after the room was darkened, with NVG. Differences in terms of placement success, placement time, and observed usage problems were compared.
Results: Attempt success rates were >91% for all SADs used both in ambient light and with NVG. Median placement times differed significantly between ambient light and NVG (ambient light/NVG: i-gel, 7.2/15.1s; standard laryngeal mask airway [LMA], 15.4/21.5s; laryngeal tube [LT], 13.4/24.3s). In the direct comparison of the various SADs, the i-gel laryngeal mask airway was placed significantly faster than a standard LMA (P<.0001) and the LT (P<.0001). Conclusions: Our study proves that the use of NVG has a measurable impact on the speed of placement but does not prolong placement to a clinically significant extent on a manikin. In addition, there was no significant difference in the placement success for each SAD in ambient light or with NVG. Furthermore, all participants were able to read the size information on the various SADs when wearing NVG and were thus able to make a proper size selection. It would, however, make use easier if additional size markings were added. SADs can be applied quickly and safely on the manikin even when NVG are worn. Differences in the use of the various types of SAD are not relevant from a clinical perspective. Using NVG while placing a SAD seems to be safe for the patient and might increase safety for the care provider in tactical situations by maintaining concealment in dark environments.
Keywords: airway management; laryngeal mask airway; TCCC; night vision goggles; resuscitation
PMID: 39891900