This Is Africa: An Introduction to Medical Operations on the African Continent



This Is Africa: An Introduction to Medical Operations on the African Continent
Givens ML, Lynch JH 14(3). 107
Publication Type: Journal Article

This article regarding Special Operations Forces (SOF) medical operations in Africa is an introduction to a follow- on series of articles that will address in more detail pertinent medical topics which pertain to operations on the African continent. Medical operations in Africa require dynamic and systematic approaches that consider the myriad challenges, yet offer flexible solutions applied as situations and environments dictate. We believe this series of articles will be of high interest to readers and provide key information that will be germane to future SOF operations.

Keywords: medical operations; evacuation; tropical infectious disease; tactical medicine; Africa; wilderness medicine
PMID: 25344718

DOI: 10.55460/HKX2-FT8U