Underneath The Unconventional: Philosophies And Paradigms Of Special Operations Forces Clinical Science
Underneath The Unconventional: Philosophies And Paradigms Of Special Operations Forces Clinical Science
Froede K 11(3). 56
Publication Type: Journal Article
Special Operations Forces (SOF) medical personnel (clinicians) directly impact their patients’ outcomes, regardless if the patient is a Soldier, civilian, or indigenous person. Any health practitioner who specializes in trauma, Soldiers’ healthcare, or tactical and/or operational healthcare must have a working knowledge of SOF medicine and its philosophical, political, and contextual origins. SOF clinical evidence and knowledge base is extensive and inextricably linked to SOF clinicians’ underlying warrior philosophy and worldview. This submission will argue the point that SOF healthcare is a discipline and mature science in its own right, as evidenced by SOF’s utilization and/or rejection of other disciplines’ (nursing, medicine, conventional military) paradigms, community-wide adoption of its own specific paradigms, disciplinary matrix, and language. Peer-reviewed articles relevant to SOF and military healthcare from 2009-2011 are reviewed to determine possible philosophical frameworks, identify extant methodologies, and demonstrate underlying philosophical constructs.
PMID: 22173598