Veterans and Suicide: An Integrative Review of Risk Factors and Suicide Reduction Services
Veterans and Suicide: An Integrative Review of Risk Factors and Suicide Reduction Services
Crawford S, Duffey JM, Doss KM 22(1). 134
Publication Type: Journal Article (Ongoing Series / Psychological Performance)
Suicide has quickly risen to be among the top threats to humanity the world over, which is most certainly the case for American veterans. Literature has well documented that veterans are at increased suicide risk due to numerous factors associated with military culture. This article examines veterans’ suicide reduction services by addressing the identification of veterans at elevated risk of suicide and assessing public-private partnership models that promote effective collaborative outreach and treatment. Essentially, this work appraises the development and procedures of multi-organization systems collaborating to impart novel and effective processes to eliminate suicide as intended by Past-President Trump’s Executive Order No. 13,861.1 The essential risk factors associated with the identification of veterans at elevated risk of suicide are reviewed. Public-private partnership models that encourage collaborative and effective outreach and treatment are examined. The implications of this literature review will support mental health providers, researchers, and policymakers in innovative, collaborative, and effective suicide prevention and intervention practices for veterans. Directions for future research are identified to further contribute to efforts to empower veterans and eliminate suicide.
Keywords: suicide; risk reduction; veterans; Servicemembers; prevention; identification; intervention; partnerships
PMID: 35278330