Veterinary Care System For Military Working Dogs – A Case Study
Veterinary Care System For Military Working Dogs – A Case Study
Vogelsang R, Sofaly C, Richey M 8(2). 61
Publication Type: Case Reports (1)
A previous JSOM article (Spring 2007) discussed military workings dogs (MWD) in SOF and their care by SOF medical personnel. MWDs are becoming more commonly utilized within SOF in current theaters and are subject to similar injuries and illnesses experienced by their human counterparts. SOF personnel can only provide basic care, as described in the earlier article, requiring more severely injured/ ill dogs be evacuated to a conventional veterinary treatment facility. This article discusses current conventional veterinary capability and utilizes a case study to help demonstrate the spectrum of veterinary care for MWDs, from point of injury, to CONUS rehabilitation and eventual return to duty. It is important that SOF medical and planning personnel understand what veterinary support exists, its capabilities and locations to ensure the best care possible can be provided to their dogs. OBJECTIVES 1) Understand conventional military veterinary support doctrine for working dog care. 2) Recognize potential problems/shortfalls within the veterinary care system. 3) Understand capabilities of conventional military veterinary care for the military working dog.